Psalm 122:8,9 (KJV)
8 For my brethren and companions’ sakes, I will now say, Peace be within thee.
9 Because of the house of the Lord our God I will seek thy good.
Day: March 21, 2018
Today’s Inspiration (03/21/2018)
The Lord is calling our names. He beckons us to come to Him. In this hour, come, and allow His love to change you.
Today’s Prayer (03/21/2018)
Daily Prayer:Oh Lord, You are my comfort in this broken world. Only You could bring me peace that carries on. My life has meaning when Your presence is near. I am not burdened by lives struggles for You give me peace. Only You could restore my life. My sins were so heavy and my soul was afflicted, but in prayer, I found rest. My burdens were lifted and my eyes have been opened to Your love. I never knew that Your love was so great. It is so amazing that my life is changed because of it. Instead of fulfilling the lusts of my eyes, I am fulfilled by Your presence. Your presence is overwhelming and I cannot get enough of it. Truly Lord, You have breathed new life into my soul. It is Your mercy that gives me hope. I am able to walk in Your light, because You are there with me. I am not alone. Jesus, You are there to help me. I trust in You. Thank You for forgiving my sins. Thank You for the cross. I will never be grateful enough. I owe all to You, my Lord. I love You. Amen.
The Lost Has Been Found
While in prayer, my heart began to change from within. I was no longer pained with guilt but raised up in uttermost love for God.