The Ten Commandments: #1

There is only one true God in the heavens. Believing in and/or worshipping other gods is idolatry, which God hates.

The Ten Commandments: #2

We are told by God in the second commandment to not make any graven image, nor bow down to these images.

The Ten Commandments: #4

God has commanded His people to observe the Sabbath day. This law is extended to His believers in the new covenant also.

Peace Offerings

Although we no longer give peace offerings to God like in the old covenant, we still give Him thanks in the way we serve Him.

Strange Fire: Part 1

God takes what we do for Him very seriously. Everything we do for God, including our worship, should never be taken lightly.

Righteous Judgments

Most people, including atheists, the LGBTQ, and others know about Matthew, chapter 7. They like to use verse 1 against Christian evangelists who are sharing the gospel message to the lost. They hate it when we tell them what sin is in the sight of God, for they feel judged. This judgment, they feel is