God Has Preserved His Word

God’s hand is in people’s lives today. This is the reason why Christianity is so strong. Look at the Bible and what God’s Word has done.

Lord, Judge Me Now

Too many so-called Christians have died and gone to hell because they thought their own good works would save them.

The Lord’s Mercy Endureth Forever

The last half of this chapter helps us remember what the Lord has done for us. Speaking of the Lord Jesus, “who remembered us in our low estate”.

Come And Pray

Pray this hour and cry out to God. Stretch forth your hands to heaven and say, “my soul thirsteth after thee, as a thirsty land.”

Sing Unto The Lord A New Song

We learn from Psalms that praise is the way of a Christian believer. We no longer sit with our beliefs and do nothing.

Our Confidence In God Helps Us

A Christian will not choose to do harm towards another person but show kindness instead. We pray that our speech is uplifting and our actions are considerate to other people’s needs.

Come Out Of The Evils Of This World

Do not fall victim to the evils of this world but put your trust in God. God is calling you out. He says, My daughter and “my son, attend unto my wisdom, and bow thine ear to my understanding.”

Are You Foolish Or Wise?

The Lord gives us the peace we need to carry on. He ushers in gladness into our hearts, though times can be hard.

Kings, Presidents And All Rulers

When a person is no longer ruling over the land, because of their own ambitions, but for the good of the people, there is peace.

Belief In Jesus Is A Life Change

As we read the Bible, it is crystal clear that to believe and walk in faith, is also a life change. We no longer walk after the lusts of the flesh but in the Holy Spirit.

Believe In And Do As Jesus Says

Make a decision to believe in and learn of the Lord God who saves. It would be very unwise of you to live out your entire life, having lived against the words of God.

A Virtuous Spouse

If your marriage has problems now, because of an unfaithful or unbelieving spouse, know that this can all be fixed with God’s hand in your lives.

A Life Of Vanity

Think about your life and what you have done and gained from it. Has everything brought you the happiness you were looking for? Now examine what you have enjoyed the most.

Time Is Short, Live In God’s Love

The life we have been given from God is not meant to be dull but instead, full of life. If you think that being a Christian means not having fun in life, then you are mistaken.

God’s Wisdom Gives Us Guidance

Paul said that those that drink to get drunk will not inter the kingdom of God but instead be shutout. The same can be said for those people that are into drugs or sexual sin.

Judgment On Jerusalem

Think about the gay festivals, parades, bars, TV and movies. Their evil deeds are everywhere and they do not hide their feelings for one another.