Utah Mission Trip (10/05/19)

Later, I was able to witness to a Mormon who was seeking God. Because he was ripe for the truth of God, we were able to share the truth about the cross, the gospel, prophets, temples, and other things.

Overcoming Sexual Sin

If you have an issue with sexual sin in your life come to the Lord with it. Discover a new relationship with Him. Give your sin to Him.

Requirements To Enter Heaven

When we love the Lord Jesus, all of these things become a part of our lives. As we give our lives to Christ, He is able to transform is.

Halloween Is Coming

Halloween is coming, but it does not have to influence us. Therefore, rebuke this wicked holiday. Say get behind me Satan!

Be Sober Minded

To know of God’s laws and disobey them anyways is to walk away from His will. To be in God’s ministry, we must put off the natural man.

Preaching And Teaching From John 10

As Jesus said, “the sheep follow him: for they know his voice”, I began to ask people if they follow Jesus. Do they know His voice and follow Him?

The Ten Commandments

I mentioned what a Christian‘s life is like and also incorporated each commandment into each statement above. I did this that you may distinguish what a true Christian is like from a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Obey God’s Call And Follow Him

If you read the Bible, then you know what God hates, and should wish to be released from these things. This could be an addiction to pornography, alcohol, drugs, or a lifestyle like sex outside of marriage.

The Reason Why I Witness

How different would your life really be like if you started giving God the time He deserves?  The answer is a change of heart, mind, and soul.

Priorities In Life

So what does it look like to trust in God with our whole heart? Well, it means doing as He commands us and giving up things that are holding us back from following Him.

What Do You Watch And Play On TV?

I only mention the things above, because my life has been radically changed for God. My music choices have also been changed, according to God’s will.

TV And Movies Have Gone Too Far

When was the last TV Show or Movie that you did not see a sex scene or have sexual innuendos, witches, killing, swear words and or drunkenness?

Utah Mission Trip (10/08/18)

What is true is the Jesus paid for our sins on the cross and not Gethsemane, as the Bible teaches. That Deacons are to have one wife like Bishops, as the Bible teaches.

A Cheerful Giver

A cheerful giver is expected out of every faithful Christian. This is doing God’s will unto others as it is in heaven.

Soft Porn At Swimming Pools

Young girls, including women of all ages. are to dress modestly unto the Lord, especially when at swimming pools

Mormon God Of Confusion

What Mormon missionaries talk about is not what Christians believe in or have kept to be true for the many years of their lives.