Abortion Laws Are Abolished Vision
Come and take a stand against abortion. Vote for candidates who are pro-life, and make a voice for what is right in your own state.
Come and take a stand against abortion. Vote for candidates who are pro-life, and make a voice for what is right in your own state.
Anyone that harms a child, has God’s wrath upon them. Only a person that repents of their sins and is made right with Jesus will be saved.
Abortion is evil in God’s sight. The Lord said this and there are punishments for people who do not repent.
Allowing an evil act such as abortion comes with many consequences. This is doing what you think is right, though it goes against God’s will.
When women murder their unborn babies, their innocent blood is on their hands. They have seriously defiled their own bodies with the blood of innocent children.
Abortion is murder in the sight of God. It is as bad as killing newborn babies. Only Jesus can forgive such a heinous act.
Each time a woman has an abortion, she is committing murder. People go to jail and killed for this same act but they are getting off scot free.
God’s wrath is upon those who are involved in abortion and in agreeance of keeping it legal. This will be made known on judgment day.
So let’s now read a few verses that affirm our stance on abortion and homosexuality. First off being abortion, where God said, “be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth” (Genesis 1:28)
Women who have abortions are also doing many other things that are very harmful to themselves, others, and especially God.
Come and learn about the gravity of the sin of abortion. Learn what God says about this important matter.
When it comes to the killing of unborn babies in abortion, a Pharaoh in Egypt, once thought this was right as well, and even commanded that every Israelite baby boy die.
Through abortion, the unborn baby has no rights and women can do whatever they want to them. As long as the baby is not yet born, then killing is allowed.
Now, if you think that Jeremiah was on key when it comes to life, wait till you see what David said. As David prayed to God, his thoughts were set on his own creation.
Killing innocent babies in abortion is allowing their blood to come upon your heads. Only God can cleanse you of these sins.
If anyone is for abortion, they are a murderer at heart and against God. These people need to repent and come to Jesus.
Please understand that children, unborn or born, are precious in the sight of God. Never ever harm your children unless you desire the wrath of God, this includes abortion.
The truth is, adultery, abortion, and homosexuality are very sinful practices in God’s sight. Confess and forsake these sins.
An Abortion is sacrificing children for people’s own selfish benefit. This is an abomination to God and His anger is upon them.
Roe vs Wade is overturned. Praise God that abortion is being recognized for the evil it is and murders in certain states are ending.
Get out and vote, but make sure you vote for the person who is against Abortion, the LGBTQ movement, and Black Lives Matters.
The Bible teaches that life begins at conception. Therefore, if you are a believer in God and agree with what He says, then you are also pro-life and against abortion.
God’s wrath is upon women who have abortions and others who are pro-abortion also. This is because He hates those who shed innocent blood.
Rape takes fornication to the next level. This is very serious in the sight of God. God’s wrath is upon all rapists.
Rehoboam was given counsel from wise men who feared God, and also those that didn’t care to make things better for the people. Here is what they both presented to the king.
To be fearfully and wonderfully made means that God created us perfectly. What God did, only He could do. We are His masterpiece.
Life is so precious in the sight of God. Even in the mother’s womb does life begin with God creating us.
As Christians, we are a reproach to the wicked. Those who are evil do not approve of what we stand for when it comes to God.
Praise the Lord all ye nations. I am talking about every person, not a group of people. Lift up your hands to the Lord.
There are many people that think they are doing God’s will but are really leading people astray. Many of these same people do not even teach on obeying God’s commandments.