“But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.” (Hebrews 11:6)

Witnessing At My Neighbors House: 09/15/2021
Witness for Jesus and He will give you words to speak. Don't be afraid but allow Him to speak through You to people ...

Witnessing At The Meridian Idaho Temple
Most visitors left in their cars but some walked home. One young man came out of the temple and started walking on the sidewalk, near me ...

Witnessing At the Meridian Idaho Temple Dedication
Upon arriving to their temple, I was energized to talk with as many people as I could. I invited everyone walking down the sidewalk to take the handout ...

Witnessing To Mormon Missionaries
Know that if the Bible is teaching something contrary to your faith than there is something wrong with it and not the Book ...

Witnessing To Mormons At The Door
I continued to talk with the couple and explained that the Bible clearly states, in Revelation, that if you add or take away from God's Word that your name will be removed from the Book of Life ...

Witnessing To Mormons Can Be Hard
Why is it that Mormons are so hard to talk to when we only want to share the truth of the Bible with them? ...

Wives, Respect Your Husbands
Husbands, love your wives. Wives, respect your husbands. Find out what the needs are of your spouse and fulfill them ...

Work Out Your Salvation
Work out your salvation in fear and trembling before God. Give Him your heart and He will do a work in your life ...

Works For The Dead Is Simply Heresy
Baptisms and other works for the dead are simply heresy. This is easily seen just by reading from the Book of Revelation ...

Worship Jesus
Come and worship Jesus today. You may have been told not to, but the Bible says that He is worthy of our praise, honor, and worship ...

Worship The Lord
God will protect you from harm if you trust in Him. The Lord is our fortress. We can depend upon Him. Give Him thanks in worship, each day, for He is good ...

Worship The Lord Jesus
We learn of the Lord Jesus's power when it is written, "The Lord shall send the rod of thy strength out of Zion: rule thou in the midst of thine enemies." ...

Worshipping Of Angels Is Prohibited
We are taught in the Bible to not worship angels. Even angels have told people to not worship them but God alone ...

Would You Let Jesus Dine With You?
Would you allow Jesus to dine with you if asked upon? Know that He does, but only a few people are letting Him in their lives ...

Write Down Your Names For God
Are you willing to write your name down for the working of the kingdom of God? If so, let the Lord know in prayer ...

Year-Long Sabbath Anyone?
There was a time when people observed a year-long sabbath, but those days are over. The seventh day is still ok to rest on, however ...

You Are Not Beyond Saving
As I was sitting there, awaiting my just punishment, a peace and warmth came over me. I didn't understand what was happening and why ...

You Are Not Cast Off From God
Remember the works of God, even when times are hard. Think about all the wonderful things He has done for you and your family ...

Young Children That Die Are Saved
Young children are not accountable for their actions. When they die, there is a special place prepared for them in paradise ...

Zophar Said Some Hurtful Things to Job
Job could not find peace from his friend Zophar, but only more accusations about him being wicked and a hypocrite ...

Zophar’s Wrongful Accusations Against Job
Preaching repentance is good, but accusing someone of sin unaware of their life is wrong. Judging is up to God, not us ...