“Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.” (Colossians 2:8)
Joseph Smith Changed The Bible: Revelation 9:16
Revelation 9:16 was purposely changed by the hand of Joseph Smith. He didn't care one way or another ...
Joseph Smith Changed The Bible: Revelation 9:14
Joseph Smith purposely changed the Book of Revelation, chapter 9, verse 4. His version is absolutely corrupted ...
Joseph Smith Changed The Bible: Revelation 9:1
Joseph Smith is a con-man. He purposely changed the Bible, plus Revelation without even thinking ...
Joseph Smith Changed The Bible: Revelation 6:14
Joseph Smith purposely changed the Bible, including the Book of Revelation. An example is Revelation 6:14 ...
Joseph Smith Changed The Bible: Revelation 6:1
joseph Smith manipulated Revelation 6:1 so much as to make the verse not even make remote sense ...
Joseph Smith Changed The Bible: Revelation 5:6
Joseph Smith hated the word "spirits" in Revelation and changed it to "servants" each time he saw this word. This is so terrible to see ...
Joseph Smith Changed The Bible: Revelation 4:6: Part 2
Why or why did Joseph Smith corrupt the King James Bible? That is the question ...
Joseph Smith Changed The Bible: Revelation 4:5
Why would Joseph Smith change the KJV Bible? He surely was not in his right mind ...
Joseph Smith Changed The Bible: Revelation 4:4
Joseph Smith didn't care one bit that he was changing the Bible, especially when he thought he knew best ...
Joseph Smith Changed The Bible: Revelation 3:14
What was Joseph Smith thinking when he changed the word, "angel" with "servant". See Revelation 3:14 for details ...
Joseph Smith Changed The Bible: Revelation 3:1
Joseph Smith willfully changed the KJV Bible. Just look at Revelation 3:1 as an example ...
Joseph Smith Changed The Bible: Revelation 2:27
Joseph Smith is the author of a paraphrased King James Bible. Him changing Revelation 2:27 is just one example of him changing it ...
Joseph Smith Changed The Bible: Revelation 2:26
Can you believe that Joseph Smith purposely changed the Bible? Including the book of Revelation ...
Joseph Smith Changed The Bible: Revelation 2:22
Joseph Smith changed the wording in Revelation 2:18,22. Therefore, corrupting the Bible with man made thinking ...
Joseph Smith Changed The Bible: Revelation 2:18
Joseph Smith tampered with the Book of Revelation. This includes Revelation 2:18 ...
Joseph Smith Changed The Bible: Revelation 2:12
Joseph Smith changed as many verses as he could when angel is mentioned to servant ...
Joseph Smith Changed The Bible: Revelation 2:8
If anyone adds to the Book of Revelation, God will add unto him His plagues, of which are written in this book ...
Joseph Smith Changed The Bible: Revelation 1:20
Why did Joseph Smith change Revelation 1:20, is the question. God's plagues are upon him ...
Joseph Smith Changed The Bible: Revelation 1:7
Joseph Smith changed Revelation, chapter 1, verse 7, along with 3400 other verses ...
Joseph Smith Changed The Bible: Revelation 1:4
Joseph Smith over 3400 other verses, which include Revelation, chapter 1, verse 4 ...
Joseph Smith Changed The Bible: Revelation 1:3
Joseph Smith changed over 3400 verses in the KJV Bible, including Revelation 1:3 ...
Joseph Smith Changed The Bible: Revelation 1:1
Joseph Smith changed 3,410 verses in the KJV Bible. This includes changes made to Revelation 1:1 ...
Joseph Smith Changed The Bible: Revelation 19:21
Joseph Smith purposely changed the Bible when it comes to Revelation 19:21. This is just one example of him corrupting the Bible ...
Joseph Smith Changed The Bible: Revelation 19:18
Joseph Smith purposely changed Revelation 19:18, while corrupting God's Word at the same time ...
Joseph Smith Changed The Bible: Revelation 19:15
Joseph Smith changed Revelation 19:15 along with many other chapters in the Bible to his liking ...
Joseph Smith Changed The Bible: Revelation 12:11,12
"And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them ...
Joseph Smith Changed The Bible: Revelation 12:7,8
Words and phrases were added to Revelation 12:7,8. Only false prophets would do this ...
Joseph Smith Changed The Bible: Revelation 4:6
Joseph Smith purposely added to Revelation 4:6 the words, "were the four and twenty elders" ...
Mormon Missionaries: Teach A False Atonement
The Mormon missionaries are coming after our Christian families. As they come knocking our doors, we need to be on our toes ...
Mormons Teach: Read The Book Of Mormon Daily
Mormons are always encourged to read the Book of Mormon but not the Bible. Why is this? ...