Today’s Prayer (02/19/2018)

Daily Prayer:
Thank You Lord for laying out the truth of the gospel. Your words have given me hope. I now have a light to follow, that I might be safe. You have opened my eyes to the truth. Thank You Lord. Your Words truly are a lamp unto my feet. I am guided by the teachings, found in the Bible. Thank You for showing me the way. I once struggled to live a good life. I did not know what way was right and what was wrong. I was blinded. Your Words have taken the blinders off my eyes. I now know what Your desires are, oh Lord, and my heart is to follow You. Whatever You have for my life, I will do it. I trust in You. I know longer wish to walk in darkness but forever be in Your glorious light. Help me to always keep You in my remembrance. I love You. Amen.
February 19, 2018
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